

cf-operator manages BOSH deployments on Kubernetes


cf-operator manages BOSH deployments on Kubernetes

cf-operator [flags]


      --apply-crd                                (APPLY_CRD) If true, apply CRDs on start (default true)
      --bosh-dns-docker-image string             (BOSH_DNS_DOCKER_IMAGE) The docker image used for emulating bosh DNS (a CoreDNS image) (default "coredns/coredns:1.6.3")
  -n, --cf-operator-namespace string             (CF_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE) The operator namespace, for the webhook service (default "default")
      --cluster-domain string                    (CLUSTER_DOMAIN) The Kubernetes cluster domain (default "cluster.local")
      --ctx-timeout int                          (CTX_TIMEOUT) context timeout for each k8s API request in seconds (default 300)
  -o, --docker-image-org string                  (DOCKER_IMAGE_ORG) Dockerhub organization that provides the operator docker image (default "cfcontainerization")
      --docker-image-pull-policy string          (DOCKER_IMAGE_PULL_POLICY) Image pull policy (default "IfNotPresent")
  -r, --docker-image-repository string           (DOCKER_IMAGE_REPOSITORY) Dockerhub repository that provides the operator docker image (default "cf-operator")
  -t, --docker-image-tag string                  (DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG) Tag of the operator docker image (default "0.0.1")
  -h, --help                                     help for cf-operator
  -c, --kubeconfig string                        (KUBECONFIG) Path to a kubeconfig, not required in-cluster
  -l, --log-level string                         (LOG_LEVEL) Only print log messages from this level onward (trace,debug,info,warn) (default "debug")
  -i, --logrotate-interval int                   (LOGROTATE_INTERVAL) Interval between logrotate calls for instance groups in minutes (default 1440)
      --max-boshdeployment-workers int           (MAX_BOSHDEPLOYMENT_WORKERS) Maximum number of workers concurrently running BOSHDeployment controller (default 1)
      --max-quarks-statefulset-workers int       (MAX_QUARKS_STATEFULSET_WORKERS) Maximum number of workers concurrently running QuarksStatefulSet controller (default 1)
      --meltdown-duration int                    (MELTDOWN_DURATION) Duration (in seconds) of the meltdown period, in which we postpone further reconciles for the same resource (default 60)
      --meltdown-requeue-after int               (MELTDOWN_REQUEUE_AFTER) Duration (in seconds) for which we delay the requeuing of the reconcile (default 30)
      --monitored-id string                      (MONITORED_ID) only monitor namespaces with this id in their namespace label (default "default")
  -w, --operator-webhook-service-host string     (CF_OPERATOR_WEBHOOK_SERVICE_HOST) Hostname/IP under which the webhook server can be reached from the cluster
  -p, --operator-webhook-service-port string     (CF_OPERATOR_WEBHOOK_SERVICE_PORT) Port the webhook server listens on (default "2999")
  -x, --operator-webhook-use-service-reference   (CF_OPERATOR_WEBHOOK_USE_SERVICE_REFERENCE) If true the webhook service is targeted using a service reference instead of a URL


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 25-Aug-2020
Last modified May 25, 2021: Fix code display in release docs (2bc24a5)