Quarks restart

The QuarksRestart controller is responsible for restarting kubernetes resources such as StatefulSet and Deployment.


The QuarksRestart controller is responsible for restarting kubernetes resources such as StatefulSet and Deployment. They are restarted whenever a secret referenced by these resources gets updated.

This feature also enables updating entangled pods whenever the link secrets get updated.

Watches in Quarks Restart Controller

  • Secret: Restart pods that have the annotation quarks.cloudfoundry.org/restart-on-update

Reconciliation in Quarks Restart Controller

  • adds restart annotation quarks.cloudfoundry.org/restart to StatefulSet or Deployment as appropriate.


See https://github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/quarks-operator/tree/master/docs/examples/quarks-restart

Last modified May 25, 2021: Fix code display in release docs (2bc24a5)