
Quarks Secret generates passwords, keys and certificates and stores them in Kubernetes secrets.


Quarks Secret generates passwords, keys and certificates and stores them in Kubernetes secrets.

Quarks Secret Component

The Quarks Secret component consists of three controllers, each with a separate reconciliation loop.

Figure 1, illustrates the component and associated set of controllers.

qsec-component-flow Fig. 1: The Quarks Secret component

Quarks Secret Controller

qsec-controller-flow Fig. 2: The Quarks Secret controller

Watches in Quarks Secret Controller

  • QuarksSecret: Creation
  • QuarksSecret: Updates if .status.generated is false

Reconciliation in Quarks Secret Controller

  • generates Kubernetes secret of specific types(see Types under Highlights).
  • generate a Certificate Signing Request against the cluster API.
  • sets .status.generated to true, to avoid re-generation and allow secret rotation.

Highlights in Quarks Secret Controller


Depending on the spec.type, Quarks Secret supports generating the following:

Secret Type spec.type certificate.signerType certificate.isCA
passwords password not set not set
username-password pairs basic-auth not set not set
rsa keys rsa not set not set
ssh keys ssh not set not set
self-signed root certificates certificate local true
self-signed certificates certificate local false
cluster-signed certificates certificate cluster false
k8s TLS ( tls local false


You can find more details in the BOSH docs.

Auto-approving Certificates

A certificate QuarksSecret resource can be signed by the Kubernetes API Server. The Quarks Secret Controller is responsible for generating the certificate signing request:

kind: CertificateSigningRequest
  name: generate-certificate
  request: ((encoded-cert-signing-request))
  - digital signature
  - key encipherment

Copy Controller

Watches in CSR Controller

  • User Defined Secret: Updation
  • QuarksSecret: Updates if .status.copied is false

Reconciliation in Copy Controller

  • create/updates copies of generated secret or a user created secret across multiple namespaces, as long as there are a empty secret or QuarksSecret with type copy in the target namespaces.
  • validates secret or QuarksSecret in the target namespace by checking the following annotation
  • Copied Secrets do not have an owner set, and are not cleaned up automatically when the QuarksSecret is deleted.

CertificateSigningRequest Controller

certsr-controller-flow Fig. 3: The CertificateSigningRequest controller

Watches in CSR Controller

  • Certificate Signing Request: Creation

Reconciliation in CSR Controller

  • once the request is approved by Kubernetes API, will generate a certificate stored in a Kubernetes secret, that is recognized by the cluster.

Highlights in CSR Controller

The CertificateSigningRequest controller watches for CertificateSigningRequest and approves QuarksSecret-owned CSRs and persists the generated certificate.

SecretRotation Controller

The secret rotation controller watches for a rotation config map and re-generates all the listed QuarksSecrets.

Watches in Secret Rotation Controller

  • ConfigMap: Creation of a config map, which has the secret-rotation label.

Reconciliation in Secret Rotation Controller

  • Will read the array of QuarksSecret names from the JSON under the config map key secrets.
  • Skip QuarksSecret where .status.generated is set and false
  • Set .status.generated for each named QuarksSecret to false, to trigger re-creation of the corresponding secret.

Relationship With the BDPL Component

All explicit variables of a BOSH manifest will be created as QuarksSecret instances, which will trigger the Quarks Secret Controller. This will create corresponding secrets. If the user decides to change a secret, the .status.generated field in the corresponding QuarksSecret should be set to false, to protect against overwriting.



Last modified May 25, 2021: Fix code display in release docs (2bc24a5)